Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Giving Keeps Giving

Although my personal fundraiser has come and gone, my overall fundraising efforts continue. I am receiving donations from Silver Sisters all over the country...it is beginning to trickle in and with each envelope, it means more possiblities for those who have celiac and those who don't yet know they do. I have people randomly calling me now to make contributions. So if you were one of the ones who couldn't make my personal event or a local Sisters Support Celiac Disease party or event OR your fundraising initiative didn't come to fruituion, you can still be part of this $20,000 goal.

I have decided based on all the feedback I have gotten, comments, calls, emails etc that I will make this a yearly event. My wish is that my Silpada Sisters will be part of it year after year!

Those who are participating in one way or another are making differences in peoples lives every day they talk about Celiac Disease.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It Keeps Giving

Although my personal fundraiser which is part of the nationwide Sisters Support Celiac Disease happened last week, my sisters across the country continue to fundraise and spread the word about celiac disease. I am receiving checks, comments and great feedback from everyone who has taken part of this endeavor of mine to give back.

I have new Silpada sisters who are joining my train and will be doing fundraisers in the upcoming weeks. This is uplifting to me...it should be to you, too. Since, you probably know someone who has celiac disease.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Thank YOU for your support, for your friendship and for all that you did to help make my personal fundraiser last night for Sisters Support Celiac Disease a success so far!!! I am just one of the 40+ woman across the country who are participating in the fundraiser for support and research for those who suffer with Celiac Disease. I met women living in my same town who I never met before but who has something in common with me and my daughter. I chatted with women who I knew, who have friends afflicted with CD and I could offer them information and support and give them info on the Celiac in the Boston Vicinity: The Healthy Villi group. And then there were friends who I knew who think they may have celiac disease and I was able to provide them with valuable information.

The food, delicious and amazing was graciously provided by The Center Cafe. Yummy cake, cookies, specialty popcorn all provided by A New Leaf. And thanks to Partyworks Needham, we had a place to put all the food and snacks not to mention the balloons!!!

Ok, and then there was the amazing networking that happened when all these women got together. Need I say more? THANK YOU and I look forward to updating you all on the success of my project and some amazing pictures, courtesy of Nicole Connolly. With Landmark Education 's guidance and support, I created the possibility of a project that is/was bigger than big!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday is Needham's B.I.G. Pod meeting!

Monday is Needham's B.I.G. Pod meeting!

I've added my B.I.G. Newsletter here because it has a link to the press release about Sisters Support Celiac Disease!!!

We are over 43 Silpada sisters around the country all participating in this nationwide fundraiser for Celiac Disease.

Want to participate? Get involved...you'll be happy you did.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Sisters are Amazing

The women I work together with in this wonderful business are unbelievable. Having this opportunity-GIFT of a business is a way to transform lives. If you're a sister, you know what I mean. Our team leader-director had me pitch my nationwide fundraiser in front of the 18 attendees. It was awesome. I know that I touched, moved and inspired the women enough to ask questions about what Celiac Disease is and how they can be part of the fundraiser. 

Here's the update for Sisters Support Celiac Disease. We are almost at 40 sisters nationwide who have come on board to raise $20,000 for Celiac Disease for The Celiac Disease Center in NYC and The Healthy Villi of New England. The national press release is about to go out in early March..or if I'm totally ready, sooner. My goal is 100 or more. LOOK at how AMAZING this is so far!!!

My personal fundraiser on March 15th in my town of Needham, MA, is also shaping up. I am so fortunate to have The Center Cafe in Needham donating Gluten Free:roast salmon with dill creme fraiche along with a salad of cucumber, grape tomatoes and feta. YUMMMMMM. 
More information on my personal fundraiser

A New Leaf is donating lots of goodies and snacks that are all gluten free. BTW, last night at our team meeting, I brought chocolate covered pretzels and pizzelles from A New Leaf. All I took home was the plate!!! 

I want you to be part. If you're local, you must come by at lunch time or the evening and taste the goodies and see and play with the amazing new product line that I am carrying....charms that attach to new bracelets and necklaces, zipper pulls, wallets etc. Of course, with the spring collection comes many more sterling and stone pieces as well. 

If you're not local, no worries, jump on my site and associate your order with Sisters Support Celiac Disease and know that 20% of your purchase of gorgeous handcrafted silver is going to help with research and support for those you care about and those you don't even know have this auto immune disease.

How many times do we share about what we do and why we have smiles on our faces and feel beauty from the inside out? DAILY. Just imagine the possibilities.

Thanks for reading!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

There IS A Silver Lining

Another comment from a sister...yes, we have a silver lining. All these women getting together nationwide to provide help, support, assistance and knowledge for people of all ages, sizes, races and religions. It's no longer baffling to me when I walk into a store, let the store owner know about my mission for the fundraiser and to have someone overhear me chatting and ask to get involved in the conversation. Why? Because she has a niece, 20, who has been sick for so long and has been to tons of doctors, all taking blood work to find it's negative for Celiac Disease, however, being told to go on Gluten Free. Alas, she is worlds better and feels tremendous. Not all blood tests rule out Celiac Disease. Mine was negative.

I want people to be advocates for themselves and for the people they care about. Or people they randomly meet shopping, walking, networking, whereever. This blog, my national fundraiser and my mouth being open talking to people is going to make a difference. YOUR help and support with the fundraiser is making a difference. Whether you are buying, hosting, donating, you are helping. I can't wait for my personal fundraiser on March 15th in Needham. Please contact me to get involved either physically being there or virtually. YOU can make a difference.

Question:Who do you know who could benefit from going to a Silpada party on March 15th in Needham?
Answer: More than you can imagine.
The National Association for Celiac Awareness says that Celiac Disease affects 3 Million Americans, yet 95% don't know it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sisters With A Purpose

Each day that goes by that I work on Sisters Support Celiac Disease, I am blown away. Every day is something new and exciting and my vision to give $20,000 gets clearer and clearer thanks to all. The emails, facebook posts and phone calls I receive enforce that being a leader is taking on it's own form.

One of my sisters today said "
Today we are going to be sisters WITH A PURPOSE!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The feedback I’ve gotten has been truly heartfelt and I’m loving this journey. I think it will show our customers, families, neighbors and friends how we can make a difference. As I talk more and more about Celiac Disease, I feel I can uncover bits and pieces of people’s manifestations and somehow, it doesn’t surprise me at all when I hear that they, too, have Celiac or gluten intolerance.

The Sisters comments range from count me in to, I know someone or I am Celiac or I just want to be part.
Here’s a message about how our money benefits.....no matter the size of the donation. I was speaking with Dr. Green’s director of business development and mentioned that my goal combined with all my Sisters is $10,000. I said I know that for the Celiac Disease Center, this amount may just cover the paper clips to use for all the papers they have to circulate. She, Cynthia, sort of laughed and said, no, not at all. In fact, she had a recent donation of about that much and that money helped Dr. Green finish a research project that connects heart disease and Celiac Disease. I was touched, moved and inspired to know that whatever we are able to give will do wonders for those out there who either have Celiac and we are looking for a way to lesson the damage of the intestines and the severity of symptoms and/or completely find a way to keep this from occurring starting at birth so that people do not have to be diagnosed in their 20-70s.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dr. Green at work

Every day is something new and excited and I'm really excited for so many reasons:1) I'll be putting out a press release about the nationwide support. Just think how much all my Sisters will help those who don't even know it. I spoke with Dr. Green's (one of the beneficiaries) office and he's going to put a quote in my press release. I learned from his office that what ever money we donate will be so welcome. He in fact, just produced a study linking Celiac and heart disease and they couldn't have done it without the extra money donations. So THANK YOU!!!
* Here's a link that just came out in the Wall Street Journal with both Dr. Green and Dr. Fasano is one of the doctors who has come to speak to the New England community's Healthy Villi organization, one of the two beneficiaries.


Again, stay tuned! And please spread the word to whomever you think would be interested in participating in any way.

If you want me to send you the flyers, please email me at amy@levitts.net
I up to almost 20 sisters so far !!!! xo

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm touched

Every hour I seem to get another inquiry and request from my Silpada Sisters wanting to participate in their own fundraiser. Whether they have Celiac, gluten intolerance or they know someone..a family member, a customer or a neighbor, they want to create a way to donate to my two beneficiaries. That means so much. I have 16 sisters ready to go. Wow. I've got a big goal; 70-100 total. It's only been a couple of days that I announced this on social media. I haven't sent emails or made calls yet. I will. I promise.

Friday, February 10, 2012

March 15th Fundraiser

Hand crafted and guaranteed for life! In our collection you will see everything from chunky to petite, classic to eclectic, sterling silver with beads, stones, gems, turquoise pearls and leather! Prices range from $19 toe rings to $329 bracelets and everything in between!

Many of my Silpada Sisters around the country will be fundraising the
week of March 11-18 to help me reach $20,000.

INVITE EVERYONE to participate.

NEAR OR FAR you probably have family and friends who need this help!

3 Ways to Participate gets you entered for pieces from the retired collection donated by SILPADA CORPORATE!

· Shop on line: www.mysilpada.com/amy.levitt and associate your order with Sisters Support Celiac Disease. Gift Certificates are available for $25, $50 and $100

· Shop LIVE, bring a friend and see the Silpada Collection at 63 Tudor Road Needham, MA displayed! Come visit during your lunch hour on March 15 and/or stop by 5-9

· Collect 10 outside orders & BRING TO MY MARCH EVENT or refer 5 people who order and get free jewelry of your choice.

You are welcome to include my website in a FACEBOOK invite! www.mysilpada.com/amy.levitt will connect them with the on line catalog and they can associate the order with Sisters Support Celiac Disease.

10% of your purchase will go to The Celiac Disease Center at Columbia Presbyterian and 10% will go to The Healthy Villi to help with continued research and support for those who suffer from Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance.

My story: Celiac Disease Center and Dr. Peter Green at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC saved my life. He diagnosed me with Celiac Disease. His research is worldwide and the CDC plays a significant role in diagnosis and studies for all who suffer. My goal is to donate $10,000.

If my donation helps someone you care about, it’s worth it!!

The Healthy Villi of New England is THE place to go in New England; a volunteer organization that supports, shares, guides and offers an outlet for those with Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease. To gift them with $10,000 would mean more availability to reach more in need.

Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease that affects infants through adulthood. The damage of the lining of the small intestine occurs due to eating gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats. Symptoms can include gastrointestinal problems, bloating, skin rash, migraines, muscle pains and much more, including NO symptoms. Gluten Intolerance can give similar symptoms but does not damage the intestines. For some people, diagnosis happens immediately, while with others, it can take years to diagnose. Too many people suffer for too long, without getting help and information. NOTE: All material is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sisters Support Celiac Disease.

My goal, with the help of other Silpada sisters, is to give $10,000 to Dr Green at the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia and $10,000 to The Healthy Villi; the support group in New England. I am reaching out to thousands of Silpada “sisters” (other reps) throughout the country and enrolling them in having their own fundraiser for Celiac Disease. I’ve asked them to reach out to their customers and asking them who do they know who has Celiac Disease who might like to hostess a party knowing that 20% of the sales is for the fundraiser.

My 5 year anniversary with Silpada is March so I’ve made this project happen during the week of March 11-18th. The outcome is for them to give me 2 checks, each for 10% of their sales made out to both organizations during that one event during that week. I will present the checks to them at the conclusion of my coursework in May.

I know my goal is huge and I will be thrilled with whatever my results are knowing that I took something on bigger than I ever imagined; having to step way out of my comfort zone, using leadership skills that I knew I had but really had to fine tune them. I know I have created an opportunity that impact many and can continue year after year and grow.

$10,000 for research at Columbia is just a nugget to them but to me, it’s huge. Maybe my donation will be enough to put the paperclips or staples on documentation that Dr. Green produces. Dr. Green is out of town but I did send him an email with what I am up to.

For The Healthy Villi, this potential amount is a significant donation. The President of the Healthy Villi (www.healthyvilli.org) told me that kind of donation is more than they can even imagine! She is thrilled and took me to lunch to learn more and see how the board can somehow support me; perhaps putting my event on the website and giving an overall picture of my project.

I’m having my own event on March 15th and will have an open house at my house as well as have the option to purchase on line. I had contacted Silpada corporate and they were so inspired that they donated 4 pieces from the retired collection of Silpada; valued at $400. I will use it for raffles during my event.

I also plan to do a press release; Landmark has helped me formulate the release and I plan to have some kind of press coverage because this includes people all over the country.

I just “released” this event last night to one group of Sisters and so far I’ve heard from 10 or 12 reps who will do an event. It’s so cool to check my email and have responses coming in. They’ve commented on how great this is, they want to be part of it because they know someone or just because they were motivated by my outreach.

My request to you is to support me however you can; by being a cheerleader and/or sharing Sisters Support Celiac Disease with people you know. If you’re touched, moved and inspired, please forward these flyers someone you know who might benefit. I’ve attached both flyers, one that I created for my Silpada sisters and the other for my personal event. (Thanks, Mom, for your help making it a PDF)
  • Whether you know someone who happens to be a Silpada rep (who knows?) anywhere in the country, let them know to get in touch with me so they can participate
  • If you know people local to me who might want their own party/fundraiser the week of March 11-18th knowing they will get some free jewels AND 20% of the retail will go to Sisters Support Celiac Disease
  • OR to come to my fundraiser and have some fun on March 15th in Needham
  • OR to shop online on my website for themselves or someone else, knowing that 20% goes to my fundraiser, I greatly appreciate it.

I am excited to share this with you.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wow! I Did It! I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone for others in need.

I can't believe it. My Sisters Support Celiac Disease is out there in front of thousands of Silpada Sisters. I've been working on the creation of this fundraiser since January when I started the Self Expression in Leadership program through Landmark Education. My Why for this project is because it took so many years for my diagnosis of Celiac Disease and it was filled with pain, discomfort, scares and too many side effects to list that I want to help create resources so that others can be diagnosed with less drama.

Drama? Not a drama queen but lots and lots of stories about how many doctors I had to go to, how many tests I had, why I had pains and swelling in my feet, ankles and then finally my stomach!!! Too many things happened in between the 7 different doctors and their "ideas" about what was wrong. WRONG!!!!

You know that book, "How Doctors Think"? That's a great book. I think everyone should have a doctor like that. Don't give up, don't say it's something when you have that feeling deep inside that says it could be something else. Go ahead, go with your gut. That's the kind of doctor you want on your side.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I was a kid

I can't believe that I thought I always ate too much. I was a kid who always felt I had to watch what I ate because I always felt like I was going to explode. I remember eating with my family and having to sloutch down under the table so I could unbutton my pants. Every evening at dinner, these memories keep coming back. I only starting remembering this just a few short years ago. And it all seems to make sense now. I wasn't a fat kid, I just felt uncomfortable. I looked back at pictures of me as a camper when I was just 9 years old. Those pictures look cute now, but I so remember that's not what I thought then. Geez, no wonder young girls have these thoughts. I get it, NOW. Wait, stop, I don't want other kids to feel that something is wrong.